Thursday, August 30, 2018

BAC September 2018 meeting

The BAC meets on Sept. 5 at 6 p.m. at 441 4th St NW, 11th floor.

Bicycle Advisory Council
9/5/18 Meeting Agenda

1. Call to order; introductions

2. Public comment

3. Guest speaker: DDOT Director Jeff Marootian

4. MPD report

5. Safety, Education and Enforcement Committee report

6. Legislative Committee report

7. Facilities Committee report

8. Approval of July minutes

9. Adjournment


BAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once through security, take elevators on the right-hand side to the 11th floor.

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Rolling forward: D.C. bicycling report for July 2018

Highlights of BAC accomplishments in July:

The BAC held its bimonthly meeting on July 11.

Ward 4 member Rachel Maisler spearheaded memorial rides in honor of the two cyclists killed in late June and early July. Maisler spoke at a July 19 Vision Zero rally organized by the Washington Area Bicyclist Association.
This month: August activities

BAC committees are meeting as follows:

Safety, Education and Enforcement Committee Meeting
Tues., Aug. 7
6 p.m.
West End Library conference room
2301 L St NW

Legislative Committee Meeting
Wed., Aug. 22
6 p.m.
The Potter’s House
1658 Columbia Rd NW

Facilities Committee Rolling Meeting
To be determined

BAC committee meetings are open to the public.

September preview

DDOT Director Jeff Marootian will speak at the BAC’s Sept. 5 meeting at 6 p.m. at 441 4th St NW.