Monday, August 31, 2020

BAC Sept. 2020 meeting

Bicycle Advisory Council
Remote Meeting Agenda
9/2/20, 6 p.m.

1. Call to order; roll call and introductions (5 min.)

2. Agency updates (20 min.)
• DDOT (written report)
• Office of Planning
• Other agencies

3. DPW bike lane maintenance (15 min.)

4. Committee updates (40 min.)
• Facilities Committee
• Legislative Committee
• Vision Zero / Safety, Education, and Enforcement Committee

5. Discussion of outreach to older adults about biking in D.C. (with Age-Friendly D.C. Task Force) (15 min.)

6. BAC listserv etiquette (10 min.)

7. Approval of July minutes (5 min.)

8. Public comment (time permitting)

9. Adjournment


This meeting is governed by the Open Meetings Act. Please address any questions or complaints arising under this meeting to the Office of Open Government at



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Meeting ID: 964 6411 8213
Passcode: 850812

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Meeting ID: 964 6411 8213
Passcode: 850812

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