Friday, January 4, 2013

WeMoveDC is on its Way

Beginning this January, the District Department of Transportation (DDOT), in conjunction with local organizations, will discuss how the District will continue its progress to incorporate multiple transportation modes on District streets. Called WeMoveDC, the project hopes to develop a multimodal long range transportation plan for District residents and visitors that incorporates biking, walking, driving and transit. While the WeMoveDC website becomes fully operational January 15, DDOT plans to discuss the project at a symposium February 9, 2013, with time and location to be announced at a later date.

Below is a brief video from the WeMoveDC website:

According to a DDOT official, this comprehensive plan will effectively replace the District’s Bicycle Master Plan issued in 2005 and likely the 2009 Pedestrian Master Plan.  In their place, the WeMoveDC process would integrate bicycling, pedestrian and other transportation modes into the design and construction of all transportation projects. This process could reflect a “complete streets” policy as stated by Smart Growth America, which ensures that transportation planners and engineers consistently design streets that support bicyclists, transit, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities, as well as motorized vehicles.

The WeMoveDC process appears to mirror certain aspects of the SustainableDC Initiative, which discussed a myriad of "green-related" topics to help District become more livable and environmentally supportive by 2032. WeMoveDC focuses specifically on short and long-range transportation issues. Also, this plan implies that it will better integrate long-range transportation planning with actual funding.

Please let us know what you think and how bicycling infrastructure should be included in the District's long-range transportation plan.