Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Rescheduled Bimonthly DCBAC Meeting - March 27

The bimonthly BAC meeting that was scheduled for Wednesday March 6, has now been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 27, beginning at 6pm. BAC will discuss reports from committees as well as certain organizational elements.

Below it the draft agenda:

1. Approval of minutes

2. Jason Broehm, the new chair of the Pedestrian Advisory Council, will discuss the work they have planned.

3. Committee Reports
  • Safety - Discussion of expanded education program mention at the BAC hearing
  • Facilities - Planned rides and new DDOT bike facilities
  • Legislative - Omnibus Bicycle bill that was introduced by CM Cheh & Wells
4. BAC Housekeeping
  • Bylaw revisions
  • Proposed change in BAC Chairperson designation
  • Developments in BAC access to funding

5. Other Business

The meeting will take place at 441 4th Street, NW at One Judiciary Square,  on the 11th floor. Please remember to bring government identification to enter the building. To get to the meeting room, please use the South lobby elevators. Bicycle parking is available in front of the building, please remember to also bring your bike lock.

As always, BAC meetings are open to the public and we encourage you sharing your thoughts.