Thursday, August 1, 2013

BAC Legislative Committee Meeting - August 7

The next bimonthly Legislative Committee Meeting will be held Wednesday, August 7th at 6:30pm at the Mount Vernon Square Busboys and Poets, 1025 5th Street NW. Please feel free to join us to discuss the District's laws as they pertain to bicycling.

Just added: The agenda examines the impact of the recently approved Bicycle Safety Amendment Act of 2013 and specifically the following issues:

1. Bicycle Safety Amendment Act Status - First vote on 7/10 Unanimous yes.

2. Encouraging DC to offer its employees a bicycle commuter benefit (

3. Getting DC to enforce the Bicycle Commuter and Parking Expansion Amendment Act of 2010 (seek help from Kenyon McDuffie in his role as oversight of the Government Operations committee and Vincent Orange as head of Business, Consumer and Regulatory Affairs committee) and to fund the truck guards called for in the Bicycle Safety Enhancement Act of 2008.

4. Walk-on items

If you cannot attend, please feel free to leave your comments or suggestions below.

Please feel free to contact the committee chair, David Cranor for meeting details. We look forward to seeing you there.