The Bicycle Advisory Council meets on July 6, 2016 at 6 p.m. at 441 4th St NW, 11th Floor.
The meeting agenda is as follows.
6:00 p.m. Call to Order; Introductions; Approve minutes
6:10 Legislation - Mike Forester
- Motor Vehicle Collision Recovery Act of 2016
First vote delayed until July 12; possible amendment
- Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Act of 2016
Second vote passed; awaiting mayoral signature
- Bicycle Awareness Motor Vehicle License Plate Amendment Act of 2016
Sent to committee
6:40 Facilities - Jeanie Osburn
- NY Avenue NE Rail-with-Trail walking tour
- DDOT report (Rock Creek Trail rehab, NY Avenue NE Trail and VRE, L Street NW Safe Accommodations)
- East Capitol Street Bridge rehab
DDOT needs to rework bridge, keep open during construction
Possible connection of southeast span
- Monroe Street Bridge Reconstruction
Long bike detour mapped, but bridge will remain open
Traffic light added where MBT meets Monroe Street
- Far Southeast III Livability Study
- Crosstown multimodal traffic study
- Downtown West Transportation Planning Study - David Alexander
7:10 Safety and Security - Ellen/Andrea
- Stolen bikes; invite MPD to next meeting to discuss?
7:40 Vision Zero advocates update - David Cranor
7:50 Walk-on topics - David Cranor
8:00 Adjournment - David Cranor
BAC meetings are open to the public. ID is required to enter the building. Once inside, take the south elevators on the right to the 11th floor. The Judiciary Square Metro station and a Capital Bikeshare station are immediately in front of the building.