Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Rolling forward: D.C. bicycling report for February 2017

BAC committees are meeting in February. Committee meetings are open to the public, so why not show your bike and attend one or more?

Planning Committee
Wed., Feb. 8
6 p.m.
The Potter's House
1658 Columbia Rd NW

This newly formed committee will review the D.C. Comprehensive Plan and identify ways it could better serve bicyclists' interests. The Office of Planning is undertaking a Comprehensive Plan amendment process and will solicit proposed amendments from individuals and organizations this spring.

Legislative Committee
Wed., Feb. 15
6 p.m.
400 8th St NW

The committee will review the proposed system of Vision Zero infractions and fines, as well as other agenda items to be determined.

Safety, Education and Enforcement Committee
Wed., Feb. 22
6 p.m.
Bakers & Baristas
501 7th St NW

Agenda TBD

Facilities Committee
Thurs., Feb. 23
6 p.m.
Gallaudet University
Student Academic Center
800 Florida Av NE

The first order of business is to attend part of the New York Avenue NE Streetscape and Trail Project meeting. Afterwards, the committee will hold its regular business meeting at Granville Moore's, 1238 H St NE.

To locate the committee meetings at the venues, please look for signage and/or a pile of helmets and panniers. You can also email dcbicyclecouncil at gmail com or tweet @DCBAC.

Save the date for the full BAC meeting on March 1.