The BAC held its regular bimonthly meeting on Sept. 6. The agenda focused on strategic planning to develop priorities for the new fiscal year, a process continuing at the October committee meetings and November general meeting.
Under the leadership of Facilities Committee co-chair Jeanie Osburn, the BAC submitted official comment on the northern extension of the Metropolitan Branch Trail.
The BAC testified in support of the Transportation Benefits Equity Amendment Act of 2017. The BAC submitted its official position in writing. Speaking individually, Legislative Committee chair John Serrao testified in person at the Sept. 25 hearing.
Talking with his hands, BAC Legislative Committee chair John Serrao testifies before the Transportation & the Environment Committee. |
BAC chair David Cranor was quoted in the New York Times story, "Bike-Sharing Is Flourishing in Washington. Can the City Handle It?"
This month: October activities
BAC committees are meeting this month as follows:
Legislative Committee Meeting
Tues., Oct. 17
6 p.m.
The Potter's House
1658 Columbia Rd NW
Facilities Committee Rolling Meeting
Sat., Oct. 21
9:30 a.m.
Meeting point and route to be determined.
Safety, Education and Enforcement Committee Meeting
Wed., Oct. 25
6 p.m.
Ancient Rivers
2121 14th St NW
Please check back for agendas. BAC committee meetings are open to the public. Save the date for the Nov. 1 general meeting at 6 p.m. at 441 4th St NW.