Highlights of BAC accomplishments in January:
The BAC held its bimonthly meeting on Jan. 10. It also submitted official comment on the Long Bridge Project.
Ward 4 member Rachel Maisler attended a marathon ANC 4B meeting about the Metropolitan Branch Trail. After almost five hours of debate, ANC members took a late-night vote to support routing along Blair Road NE in accordance with the DDOT consensus proposal.
This month: February activities
BAC committees are meeting this month as follows:
Safety, Education and Enforcement Committee Meeting
Thurs., Feb. 15
6 p.m.
Busboys & Poets
2021 14th St NW
Legislative Committee Meeting
Tues., Feb. 20
6 p.m.
The Potter's House
1658 Columbia Rd NW
Facilities Committee Meeting
Sat., Feb. 24
1 p.m.
Made in D.C. Cafe
1330 19th St NW
BAC committee meetings are open to the public. Save the date for the March 7 general meeting at 6 p.m. at 441 4th St NW.