Monday, April 1, 2019

Rolling forward: D.C. bicycling report for March 2019

Highlights of BAC accomplishments in March:

The BAC held its bimonthly meeting on March 6.

The guest speakers were representatives of the Department of Public Works, who briefed the BAC on bike lane parking enforcement and other issues of concern to bicyclists.

On a related note, the BAC voted to support DDOT “Proper Behavior in Bike Lanes” rulemaking and submitted its official position favoring “rules that remove ambiguity around driver behavior in bike lanes, especially if such rules result in regular enforcement.”

BAC Chair Pro-Tem and Ward 5 representative Tom Bridge was reappointed on March 19.

BAC Chair and Ward 4 representative Rachel Maisler and member Anders Pedersen joined a March 31 community ride supporting bicycle facilities on K Street NE, with crosstown connectivity into downtown. The Facilities Committee has given input about the corridor on several occasions, most recently in the summer of 2016.

Pedersen and Maisler on the K Street NE corridor 

This month: April activities

BAC committees are meeting as follows:

Legislative Committee Meeting
Mon., April 8
6 p.m.
Northeast Neighborhood Library
330 7th St NE
Mezzanine Conference Room

The meeting will review upcoming legislation and elect a 2019 chair.

Safety, Education and Enforcement Committee Meeting
Tues., April 9
6:30 p.m.
Library Express
1990 K St NW (entrance on 20th Street)
Study Room 1

Agenda to be determined.

Facilities Committee Rolling Meeting
Sat., April 27
1 p.m.
Takoma Recreation Center
301 Van Buren St NW

The rolling meeting will survey parts of the Rock Creek East I livability study area.


BAC committee meetings are open to the public.

Save the date for the next full BAC meeting on May 1 at 6 p.m. at 441 4th St NW.