Saturday, January 16, 2021

February Committee Meetings

Tues., Feb. 9
6 p.m.

  • Introductions (5-10 mins)
  • Presentation: DDOT/Megan Kanagy on car free lanes (20 mins)
  • Discussion: car free lanes (20-25 mins)
  • Housekeeping: finalize 2021 meeting plan, firm up April meeting (10-15 mins)

  • Introductions
  • moveDC Discussion
  • Ready2Play Discussion
  • ANC Letter Follow-Up

  • Introductions
  • Councilmember Cheh's Roundtable on Transportation after the pandemic. Meeting notice is here.
  • Testimony at upcoming oversight hearings

Please see individual listings for call-in numbers and other ways to join.


Meetings are open to the public. Meetings are governed by the Open Meetings Act. Please address any questions or complaints arising under these meetings to the Office of Open Government at