Thursday, March 10, 2011

The 2011 Bike Summit is right here, right NOW!

Pennsylvania Avenue bike lanes under construction. (R.Myers)

It's that time of year again, when cyclist from across the country converge on the District for the 11th annual National Summit at the Grand Hyatt Hotel.

Organized by the League of American Bicyclists, the event hopes to consolidate the effort to make bicycling more than just a recreational activity but according to the league, a way to improved bicycle-friendliness and livability in many communities while improving physical activity, safety and livability in the U.S.  This is more important now due to high rates of obesity in the United States and the hours spent sitting in cars instead of being more active.

More acute not than ever, bicycling can help reduce the congestion on our road and transportation system while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and our dependence on oil, foreign or domestic.

The summit is from March 8-10 a features the following speakers - Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood and Janette Sadik-Khan Commissioner of the New York City Department of Transportation.
If you can't make the official summit activities, feel free to WABA will hold its National Bike Summit - Congressional Bike Caucus Ride this Friday, March 11. The Congressional Bike Caucus and Summit attendees are invited to take a bicycle tour of DC with WABA and the League of American Bicyclists. WABA members are invited to attend this year's ride, which will start at Garfield Circle (traffic circle just southwest of the Capitol) at 8:30 AM on Friday, March 11th. Come prepared for a 9-mile tour of the District's newest bicycle facilities.